A heart is not a play thing. A heart is not a toy. but if you want to be broken, just give it to a boy! boys, they like to play with things. to see what makes them run. but when it comes to kissing, they do it just for fun. boys, never give their hearts away. they play girls for fools. they wait until we give our hearts, and then they play it cool. you’ll wonder where he is at night. you’ll wonder if he’s true. one moment you’ll be happy, the next you will be blue. if you get a chance to see him, your heart begins to dance. you life revolves around him. there’s nothing like romance. and then it starts to happen. you worry day and night. you see my friend, you’re losing him. it never turns out right! boys are great though immature. the price you pay is high. he may seem sweet and gorgeous, but remember he’s just a guy. don’t fall in love with just a boy, that takes a lot of nerve. you need a man, to get what you deserve. so when you think you’ll be in love, be careful if you can. before you give your heart away, make sure that he’s a man!!
I read this poem just today, i believe written by a girl whose heart has been broken two or three times before. Well, truth, a heart is not a toy. But it sure also is not plastic or metal to e broken. The last time i checked it was spongy which means it can in no way be broken. i am very sane today so if you want a laugh you've come to the wrong place. But i write this piece featuring our very own special someone called "self". He thought it wise to come out with this considering the pitfalls in relationships and marriages of late. Gone are the days when all you had to do was stay at home, be a good child and if a boy; your dad will call you and inform you that they have found for you a sweet heart and that was it, you had absolutely no say in the matter but hey what do you have today or if a girl you learnt to be a good wife but playing second wife to your dad (nothing funny guys) cooking and washing his clothes and someday out of the blue some old and young men come to your house and the say they want you to come live with their son. The point is that love grew in marriage you never got or fell in love before then except in some extreme cases where it's all arranged. So i want to help us all, i'll go to the deep corners of my mind and find the file its a boy girl thing. OK i found it: Let's go way back,way back to when we were in creche or the kindergarten class and we just liked to have fun. Girls: At this age or stage and even beyond, all girls wanna do is play. And not just any games but they want to play dress-ups and family and cooking and others. All they want to do is play relationships. I'll make it clearer. At that age, all the girl wants to do is get her barbie doll well prettied up or she may do that to herself with her mums cosmetic products and look herself over in the mirror and see if she is pretty enough for any guy(at this time it's her dad). She also plays family where, if a boy happens to make the act they play mum and dad. He will go for work, that is leave her a while, as she tidies the play ground and also fakes some cooking steps. Then wait for him to come back and serve him his dish and ask of work and encourage him to take a bath and some other stuff(married people stuff). The shocking thing is that at that age she knows what marriage entails and acts it out to the letter. The guy who is featured in the whole act is just directed and he plays. He is all the time asking what the hell am i doing here. So at that tender age, where all kids do is play, girls do nothing but play relationship. Act out being the boyfriend or wife or single mother. That is why girls know a whole lot about marriage done guys can ever imagine. I dare you to ask a girl, eight(8) years of age about what to do about a problem in your marriage. She'll give you a solution, you just up-it or translate it to an adults mind and you have a solution.
Boys: At that age boys are also in to plays but this is not just any game but a game to win. Girls play for fun, guys play to win. We play and it is at this age that our competitive urge is lighted. Yes, we play games but it's to be the master of that game or to win the prize. I remember virtually killing myself in a football match between our area and a team from another hood. Yeah and we won, cos that is us. We just liked to play to win. And it pretty much continues. We play games, but unlike girls who don't make everything about relationship for guys everything becomes a game and we want to win. Our class at school becomes a game and we want to win, be the first in class for a particular course or subject, be the one to win the promotion the first to everything and we take it into relationships as we grow. We see that beautiful girl and we want to be the first to talk to her, the first to make her smile, the first to ask her out, the first date her, kiss her and it goes on. We are always competing, challenging ourselves or competing with friends or others. This gives us differing opinions or outlooks at relationships.
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