Latest news reaching the Wiggies from the University of Ghana campus is that after the bold step of the Marketing students to investigate the words "Opening soon", the Religion students have also also picked up the statement by Prez. Alhaji De-Bunk, who in his profile update wrote," fail God."
Interviewing Alfred Quartey, a level 300 Religion student of the University, and spokesperson of the angry students, he said the Prez. will have to retract his statement, since it was blasphemous and showed gross disrespect to the one true God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the same God also being the Father of Jesus and he who made a donkey talk.
"It is a very disrespectful statement, how can he say men fail God. In his fifteen or more years of education has he ever one time made the statement that he failed his teacher? That he took a report card and wrote fail, F and also add the one line of teachers 'there is more room for improvement' or 'sit up'? Never!! He has never done such a thing, if he can't say that about a pee-ing, farting, i-eat-when-i-am-hungry and do-secret-connections-to-escape-the-famous-bigmen-catcher-Anas, then why should you say men fail God.
"I tell you freshman, that God made all things, if he should have said anything it should be God fails us because he brought you here and he has the marking scheme to decide who fails.The wages of sin is death saith the Lord. Who decides the sin?It's God, he does the failing not you. Alhaj or whatever he calls himself, quickly retract that statement and ask Obinim or Kwaku Bonsam to pray for you" he explained angrily.
I must say that i am beaten to my wits end by this development, i and self will carry out further investigation to see what comes out of the issue. This is the freshman reporting for the Wiggies from the University of Ghana campus.
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